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Tree shipping Disclaimer

Tree Shipping is NOT FREE. Be aware if you elect to have your tree shipped, that we will invoice you for the shipping cost of the tree at the time it is ready to ship. If you’d like an estimate on the cost, please email us and we’ll be happy to supply you with a quote. Due to quirks in our platform we aren’t able to remove the “free shipping“ language.



SKU: 00051

IMPORTANT READ BEFORE Make your Grafting Request Order

Spring Grafted Trees should be ready the following Fall. Deadline is May 01

Late Summer & Fall Grafted Trees should be ready the following Spring. Deadline is October 01


A Pre-Order Grafting Request is an order for us to produce the specific tree that we don't currently have available in stock. We must graft the tree and then it must go through a multi-month process to heal and grow. Only Once the small tree has completed two flushes of growth since it was grafted do we consider it ready to leave our nursery.

Cac is from Vietnam, and there has been some speculation it may be synonymous with Cat Chu, which is grown on commercial scale in Vietnam, but this has been disputed. It shouldn't be confused with 'Coc' or "toad" fruit in Vietnam. Regardless of its true origin,  Cac was introduced to Florida over 20 years ago, and has fast caught on as one of the most promising 'new' varieties to be grown here. 

The fruit is exceptionally rich and sweet, with a brilliant acid component to balance out its sweetness. Notes of cola syrup are present in its flavor.

A really terrific Indochinese hybrid that likely contains genes from both southeast Asian and Indian lines, Cac is also a very good steady producer and largely disease-free, though it can be prone to powdery mildew on the bloom. 

The fruit is ovate/heart-shaped, yellow and averages around a pound at maturity. Its major drawback is that the trees are quite vigorous, with a spreading growth habit that will likely be difficult to control over time. For this reason its not a good option for people with tree size concerns.

It is a mid-season mango in Florida, primarily ripening from late June into July most years. We consider it to be one of our best mangos and a champion of our premium fruit program, and we highly recommended Cac as a backyard mango to people with space for a vigorous tree.

Flavor: Saigon/Indochinese hybrid

Country: Vietnam

We are located at:

1010 Camellia Rd,

West Palm Beach, Fl. USA, 33405


We are open by appointment only Monday to Friday from 12 to 5 pm.

for Consulting or tree Sales, please email us to:

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